Title: “A Night of Splendor: Ramakrishnan and Vaishnavi’s Unforgettable Reception Photoshoot in Chennai” Chennai, a city that embodies tradition, charm, and warmth, set the stage for a night of pure enchantment as Ramakrishnan and Vaishnavi celebrated their love in a grand reception photoshoot. In...
“A Grand Affair: Srinivasan and Seetha’s Extravagant Reception Photoshoot in Chennai” Chennai, a city that blends tradition and modernity seamlessly, played host to a grand and unforgettable event – the reception of Srinivasan and Seetha. In this article, we invite you to relive the...
Title: “A Tale of Two Hearts: Aravind and Keerthana’s Unforgettable Wedding Photoshoot in Chennai” In the bustling metropolis of Chennai, a magical love story unfolded as Aravind and Keerthana embarked on their remarkable wedding photoshoot. In this article, we invite you to join us...
Title: “Love Takes Center Stage: Divya and Dhamyanth’s Whimsical Wedding Photoshoot at Crowne Plaza Chennai” In a world where love stories are as unique as the people who live them, Divya and Dhamyanth’s wedding photoshoot at Crowne Plaza Chennai stands out as a vibrant...
“A Splash of Love: Ramya and Sujesh’s Pre-Wedding Couple Photoshoot in Kovalam Beach and Studio 24” Love stories are magical, and there’s no better way to capture their essence than through a pre-wedding photoshoot. Enter Ramya and Sujesh, a couple whose love story unfolded...
A Picture-Perfect Love Story: Mounika and Naveen’s Pre-Wedding Photoshoot in Pondicherry Love is in the air, and it’s time to celebrate the beautiful journey of Mounika and Naveen as they embark on a new chapter of their lives together. But before the wedding...
“Capturing Eternal Love: Subhashree and Prabhu’s Pre-Wedding Shoot at Studio 24 ECR and Their Magical Wedding Journey” Love stories have a magical way of unfolding, and the story of Subhashree and Prabhu is nothing short of enchanting. Their journey began with a chance encounter...
As a city known for its rich cultural heritage and modern lifestyle, Chennai is home to some of the best wedding photographers in India. From candid to traditional poses, Chennai wedding photographers have it all covered. If you’re looking for the best wedding photography...
Candid V/s Traditional photography: Which one is the Best? Weddings are once-in-a-lifetime events. People would like to cherish their big day for the rest of their lives. Wedding photography is by far the most effective approach to preserve a couple’s most memorable moments...
In today’s fast-paced world, people are always looking for ways to save time, money, and effort. This is especially true when it comes to planning weddings. With so many details to take care of, from the venue to the catering to the guest list,...
Every Couple photoshoot is unforgettable and memorable for us in some way or the other, but this couple shoot with Kavya & Sidharth was an experience that we or the couple can ever forget. When we started the planning for their pre wedding photoshoot,...
Before we get into the Top 25 pre wedding couple photoshoot locations in Chennai, We are happy to let you know that our website and blog www.shotmemories.com has been listed in the Top 50 Indian Wedding Blogs. Here is the link – https://blog.feedspot.com/indian_wedding_blogs/ ....
Top 10 Best Budget Honeymoon Locations in India Be it Kashmir or Kerala, India offers a wide range of honeymoon destinations to couples. Whatever might be your choices – mountains or beaches within whatever budget, India is a treasure house when it comes...
Pre Wedding Diet Plan For To-Be Brides & Grooms in 2021 Indian Wedding is an occasion that is meant to be cherished forever in the perfect photo memory and an adorable video that can be played on a loop. It brings with us a plethora...
Outdoor couple shoots can bring you your very own season of love! Amid the gorgeous elements, picturesque locations, and ecstasy, you will find yourself weaving the knit of your everlasting love. When you choose forest treks as your location, make sure you carry 223...
I am NOT a Photographer and We are NOT a Photography Company! Yeah. You heard it right. It’s one of those Eureka moments that I had recently and it took some guts to accept that i am not a photographer. For most...
As we all know the wedding is like a festival in India. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm. But will the celebration remain the same after COVID? Lets find out the future trends in Indian Weddings post covid-19 – #covidwedding Surely the celebration...
Indian Wedding Invitation 1 Indian Wedding Invitation Details 1 Indian Wedding Invitation 2 Indian Wedding Invitation Details 2 Indian Wedding Invitation 3 Indian Wedding Invitation Details 3 Indian Wedding Invitation 4 Indian Wedding Invitation Details 4 Indian Wedding Invitation 5 Indian Wedding Invitation Details...
An Indian wedding is without a doubt the most significant and anticipated day of your life. And figuring out everything on time is a steady reason for concern. Thus, we thought of helping you out with this simple wedding planning guide, which would just let you groove...
Best Marriage Dates in 2021 6 months gone by in 2020 and with the COVID not showing any sympathy, we feel that the remaining part of 2020 would also be washed out with very less number of weddings happening all over the country. But...
Covid-19 Wedding: HOW TO PLAN A SMALL INTIMATE WEDDING In the difficult times of pandemic, it is important to plan your wedding during COVID carefully. Beginning from photos to guests, proper planning is mandatory. You can keep it intimate and small to save the trouble...
Traditional Wedding Photography and Videography, basically documents the entire events in a traditional or straight angle. It’s more about the staged group shots or posed shots. Traditional Photography is something opposite to the candid wedding photography. Also, entire wedding is captured in a sequence...
“Capturing Forever: The Undeniable Importance of Photo Albums in Weddings” Weddings are more than mere ceremonies; they are timeless milestones encapsulating love, joy, and cherished moments. Amidst the flurry of vows, celebrations, and emotions, one essential keepsake stands the test of time—the wedding photo...
Top 10 Wedding Gifts To Leave an Imprint in the Minds of the Newlyweds When was the last time you attended a wedding and an important question cropped up in your mind – what to gift to the newlyweds? You certainly would have scratched...
Be it the fairy tale wedding you once visualised or a big fat wedding because you're first in the family, or cosy get-together with the loved ones, here's a carefully crafted list of perfect wedding venues in the city of Chennai.
Sangeeth Night is the ‘on the record’ Indian party. A rocky affair does need a rocky celebration. And for this, we have everybody’s favourite Sangeeth ceremony! A pre-wedding occasion where old and young, friends and relatives just can’t stop themselves from shaking a foot...
Wedding is an occasion that demands zillion cores to make it happen. Booking the venue, choosing the themes for decor, invitations, bridal makeup, food, decorations, lightings, photography and all these shenanigans come in the wedding organizing list. But ease up ‘To-be-weds’! We are living...
Isn’t it the sea of memories which one wants to treasure for a lifetime? Through the endless pictures, candid moments, swirling videos and funny boomerangs, a perfect couple shoot is all you need. To sort your confusion of where to plan the perfect shoot,...
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TOP ELEGANT INVITATION DESIGNERS IN CHENNAI? Invites work as formal information card with the details of the ceremonies and location for your friends and families to be a part of the celebrations. Of-late the invitation designs have become more creative...
Green Events – how to incorporate nature-friendly ethos to your events The amount of expenditure and wastage that goes in decorating events is daunting! Knowingly and unknowingly people spend on things that might not be needed which add to the garbage in the city!...
We have come up with a list of best 10 Wedding Magazines In India That You Would Not Want To Miss when you are planning for your big day. Jump straight into the article. “Hum ek baar jeete hai, ek baar marte hai, shaadi...
We have come up with a list of Top 10 Home Appliances to Kick-Start Your Married Life. Dig in right away! New home, new setup and a new life altogether; we are all eager to begin a brand new life with our soul-mate in...
Wedding is one occasion that one probably would never want to go wrong with. If nothing less, it should be stellar perfect in all aspects. As the D-day involves many arrangements which unfold on a single day, there are possible chances of unexpected occurrences...